Practice Session Counter

  • Live

Musopia Customer Support

Add a counter for each time a practice session has been completed instead of just a tick after the first time it has been completed

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Musopia Customer Support

Status changed to: Live


George Musopia

Status changed to: Under review


Nick Brouwer

Yesterday I did all my practices. they are marked as completed. Today I want to practice again and start with everything as uncomplete so I can easily see where I am in my practice for today.


Musopia Customer Support

Merged with: Mark practices as undone when starting the practice again


Dale Ritchie

I am having issues trying to repeat my daily practice sessions.

When I select the session I am always taken to the final section to complete and I am unable to go through the full practice sessions again.

This issue appear from beginning course 1 module 6


Leonard Pitts


Started a practice, skipped a day, and in module practice, session four all the check marks were still on each item, simply did the first one over again, after I finished Justin video came on. Seeing some real inconsistencies in the app.
Anyone else spotting these issues?


When I am working through the lessons, when I complete a lesson the following lesson starts automatically. If I don't want to do that lesson and I exit that lesson is then marked as complete which makes it hard to remember to do it next time. It would be useful to be able to deselect the complete marker by for example long pressing and selecting mark incomplete